is community of indie game creators and players

The Winter Sale 2023 is live!

It’s that time of the year again, where we bring you the best deals on your favorite games, tabletop RPGs, game assets, and more! We’ve sent word to our diverse community of developers and they’ve responded with thousands of discounts ready for you.

From now until 10am PT on January 5th, you can pick up all of your new favorites for less. With over 7,000 projects currently on sale, including 2000+ games and 3,500+ game assets, you’re likely to find something. Looking to avoid the screen? Check out our tabletop games on sale.

Don’t forget you can also find personalized recommendations of what’s on sale right in your library:

What are you picking up this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below or use the #itchwintersale hashtag and let everyone know on social media

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