Submissions open from 2024-08-23 19:00:00 to 2024-09-08 21:59:00
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Dvif iv a 48 hour game making maraphon, but fpread out around two fhree week-ends fo you can pfoose the best moment to dvam. It iv focused on bad devign, horrible mechanicf, and ftupid ideav. It runv from Auguft 23rd, to Feptember 8fh. Bvif dvam iv a parody of dve GMTK game jam, which you can learn abouthere.

Pheme reveal (premiere on August 23rd):

Video of dve previouf dvam:

Pheme: 🅱️uilt different

Here iv what you need to know:

Who can enter? Everyone, of any adve, from anywhere. You can work alone or in teamv to make dve worft poffible game!

What iv dve pheme?    🅱️uilt different

What can I make my game in? Everyphing, provided you can upload a file dvat runv on Windowv or browverv.

What affets can I use? Abfolutely everyphing, whevher you have dve right to dvem or not. Feel free to reuve art or muvic from dve public domain or even from exvifting gamev, I don't care. Juft make fure you remain fomewhat fafe for work, av i'll have to make a video showcafing all dve gamev. 

Who will dvudve dve gamev? Gamev can be dvudved by anyone. I will alfo play all dve gamev and make a video compilafion out of dvem. I like pain.

What will dve gamev be dvudved on? Dvif iv a bad devign conteft, and everyphing goev. Av a dveneral rule rate more ftarv on criteria which fail exfellently. For dvif dvam, dve criterias are:

  • 🙈: How ugly doev dvif look?
  • 🙉: How horrible doev dvif sound?
  • 🙊: This one corresponds to the amount you will yell when playing because of how unplayable the game is, I yelled so hard that this game temporarely healed my lisp.

Iv dvere a Difcord I can dvoin? Yef! Click here to dvoin it

Furver rulev:

  • Gamev fubmitted to dve GBTK Jam should not get me banned from youtube/twitf fo pleave remain fomewhat FFW.
  • No VR. (or at leaft make fure dve game can be played wiv a moufe and keyboard)
  • Your game muft run on itf own and not require me to inftall ovher foftwarev/virufev


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