Submissions open from 2024-09-30 23:00:00 to 2024-10-31 23:59:59
Starts in

Analogue game jam on folklore (including myths, urban legends, etc.) from your own culture or a place you belong.

Previously held in 2019 and 2020 (also secretly in 2023), Folklore Jam is back for 2024!


  • Write an analogue game that incorporates elements from a folklore (including myths, urban legends, etc) of your own culture or a place you belong.
    • An analogue game is a game that can be played in physical space (but with the advance of technology, can also be played online), such as tabletop role-playing game, LARP and board game.
    • Game about a folklore of your own creation is allowed.
    • Game about folklore creation is allowed.
  • Old games are allowed, as long as they are updated during the jam period.
    • Revisit your old games and see what you can learn/improve from it.
    • The update can be trivial, such as fixing typos.
  • It is recommended to mention RPG safety tools in the game description.
  • No AI or crypto-art! Entries containing them will be removed.
  • No hate speech or bigotry!
  • We may remove any submissions that are against the spirit of the jam.

Some notable entries from previous jams: