This is a casual game jam intended to inspire working within extreme limitations. In the original 16 bit x86 architecture, memory was effectively divided into 64k chunks of memory. This was because though the original 8086 processor could address a full megabyte (20 address pins), the internal registers were only 16 bits wide. Thus segment registers were used to combine with an offset register to create a full 20 bit address.
The formula used by the processor for any address was (Segment * 16) + Offset, and used the syntax Segment:Offset.
Although a .COM file can theoretically access the full megabyte of memory available to the computer, in the spirit of having compact game files this Jam is requiring that all content (game logic and assets) be contained in a single .COM file. There are no rules about how much or little memory can be accessed by the game during run time, only that the .COM file contain all code and data the game needs to load from disk.
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